The Alianza Sierra Madre pursues a philosophy of self-help. The indigenous communities do not need to be smothered by the concepts and plans of outsiders. Instead the work begins with multi-day workshops,
Due to the progressive deforestation of the Sierra Tarahumara region, the drought periods triggered by this, and increasing soil erosion, the income of indigenous communities is declining.
In 1998 about thirty women from the municipality of Baborigame in the south of the Sierra Tarahumara region founded the Cooperative Mujeres Indígenas Tarahumaras y Tepehuanas A.C. (MITYTAC). The name expresses the way women from two different indigenous peoples,
The indigenous communities in the Sierra Tarahumara are increasingly struggling with ecological problems. As a result of the deforestation of the mountains, which were once densely wooded, the water table is out of balance and the quantity of precipitation is dropping.